リンク:72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered “Potential Terrorists” In Official Government Documents


- 米国政府が公式文書で"潜在的テロリスト"のタイプを72種類に分類してアメリカ人を対象に規定している。


共産主義と、不法移民とUNまたはNew World Orderに反対しますか?あなたは、陰謀説を信じ、我々は







そして、 "テロリスト"に分類されるということは、政府はあなたが持っているすべての権利を剥奪し、あなたを




烙印を押すこと( demonize "である。現在、多くの平和を好み法律を遵守する一般市民グループが無慈悲な




1.  Those that talk about " individual liberties "   "個人の自由"について話す人々

2. Those that advocate for states' rights    '注( states - 連邦ではなく、各州) 'の自由を主張する人々

3. Those that want "to make the world a better place"    "世界をより良い場所にすること"を願う人々

4. "The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule" 


5. Those that are interested in "defeating the Communists"   "共産主義者たちを打ち破ること"に興味がある人

6. Those that believe "that the interests of one's own nation are separate from the interests of other nations or

     the common interest of all nations "



7. Anyone that holds a "political ideology that considers the state to be unnecessary harmful or undesirable "


8. Anyone that possesses an "intolerance toward other religions "  "他の宗教に非寛容な態度"を持つ人々

9. Those that "take action to fight against the exploitation of the environment and / or animals "


10. " Anti - Gay " 反同性愛者たち   11. " Anti - Immigrant " 移民反対論者

12. " Anti - Muslim " イスラム反対派  13. " The Patriot Movement " 愛国主義の運動に加わっている人々

14. " Opposition to equal rights for gays and lesbians " 同性愛者の同等権に反対する人々

15. Members of the Family Research Council  ' the Family Research Council (家族研究委員会)'のメンバー

16. Members of the American Family Association the American Family Association (米国家族連合会)のメンバー

17. Those that believe that Mexico Canada and the United States " are secretly planning to merge into a European

      Union - like entity that will be known as the "North American Union"

      メキシコとカナダと米国は、欧州連合のような "北アメリカ共同体"に合併することを密かに進めていると


18. Members of the American Border Patrol / American Patrol the American Border Patrol


19. Members of the Federation for American Immigration Reform the Federation for American Immigration Reform


20. Members of the Tennessee Freedom Coalition the Tennessee Freedom Coalition (テネシー州自由連合)のメンバー

21. Members of the Christian Action Network the Christian Action Network (クリスチャン·行動ネットワーク)のメンバー

22. Anyone that is "opposed to the New World Order "  New World Orderに反対する人々

23. Anyone that is engaged in "conspiracy theorizing "  "陰謀説"を主張する人々

24.  Anyone that is opposed to Agenda 21  アジェンダ21に反対する人々

25. Anyone that is concerned about FEMA camps  FEMAキャンプに関心を示す人々

26. Anyone that " fears impending gun control or weapons confiscations " 差し迫った銃規制と武器押収を心配する人々

27. The militia movement  民兵の活動家たち  28. The sovereign citizen movement  市民主権の運動の一団

29. Those that "don't think they should have to pay taxes " 税金を払わなくてもいいと思っている人々

30. Anyone that "complains about bias"  不平等に不満を持つ人々

31. Anyone that "believes in government conspiracies to the point of paranoia"


32. Anyone that "is frustrated with mainstream ideologies"  主流観念に失望を感じた人々

33. Anyone that "visits extremist websites / blogs"  極端なウェブサイトやブログを訪問する人々

34. Anyone that "establishes website / blog to display extremist views"


35. Anyone that "attends rallies for extremist causes"  過激派の集会に出席する人々

36. Anyone that "exhibits extreme religious intolerance "  極端な宗教的不寛容を誇示する人々

37. Anyone that "is personally connected with a grievance "  個人的な不満を持つ人々

38. Anyone that "suddenly acquires weapons "  急に武器を購入する人々

39. Anyone that " organizes protests inspired by extremist ideology "  過激派に刺激されて、組織的な抵抗をする人々

40. " Militia or unorganized militia "  民兵隊員または非組織化された民兵隊員

41. " General right - wing extremist "  右翼の過激派

42. Citizens that have " bumper stickers " that are patriotic or anti - UN

      愛国主義を訴えたり、 UNに反対するバンパーステッカーを貼っている市民

43. Those that refer to an " Army of God "  "神の軍隊"を主張する人々

44. Those that are " fiercely nationalistic as opposed to universal and international in orientation "


45. Those that are " anti - global "  グローバル化に反対する人々

46. Those that are " suspicious of centralized federal authority "  連邦政府に権力が集中していると疑っている人々

47. Those that are "reverent of individual liberty"  個人の自由を尊重する人々

48. Those that " believe in conspiracy theories "  陰謀論を信じる人々

49. Those that have " a belief that one's personal and / or national " way of life ' is under attack "


50. Those that possess " a belief in the need to be prepared for an attack either by participating in paramilitary

      preparations and training or survivalism "


51. Those that would " impose strict religious tenets or laws on society fundamentalists "


52. Those that would " insert religion into the political sphere "  政治の分野で宗教的なアジェンダを反映する人々

53. Anyone that would " seek to politicize religion "  宗教問題を政治化しようとする人々

54. Those that have " supported political movements for autonomy "  政治的独立(自治)を支持してきた人々

55. Anyone that is " anti - abortion "  中絶に反対する人々

56. Anyone that is " anti - Catholic "  カトリック教義に反対する人々

57. Anyone that is " anti - nuclear "  核に反対する人々   58. " Rightwing extremists "  極端な右翼勢力

59. " Returning veterans " 退役軍人たち

60. Those concerned about " illegal immigration "  不法移民に心配している人々

61. Those that " believe in the right to bear arms "  銃所持の権利を信じている人々

62. Anyone that is engaged in " ammunition stockpiling "  弾薬を備蓄している人々

63. Anyone that exhibits " fear of Communist regimes "  共産主義政権の恐怖を誇示する人々

64. " Anti - abortion activists "  妊娠中絶反対の行動家たち

65. Those that are against illegal immigration  不法移民に反対する人々

66. Those that talk about " the New World Order " in a " derogatory " manner

      New World Order"軽蔑的に"説明をする人々

67. Those that have a negative view of the United Nations   UNに対して否定的な見解を持つ人々

68. Those that are opposed " to the collection of federal income taxes "


69. Those that supported former presidential candidates Ron Paul Chuck Baldwin and Bob Barr

      前回の選挙で大統領候補だったRon PaulChuck BaldwinBob Barrを支持した人々

70. Those that display the Gadsden Flag " Don't Tread On Me "


71. Those that believe in " end times " prophecies   終末の預言を信じる人々

72. Evangelical Christians   福音主義クリスチャン


* 911テロ以降、テロリストの要素があるという罪でグアンタナモ収容所に連行され、現在生死すら確認が



72条項に分けて複雑に説明しているが、彼らが規定している"潜在的テロリスト"とは、一言でNew World Order



New World Orderのシステムに順応しない人々、または彼らの悪魔的な価値観(中絶、同性愛など)に




                                        - エレミヤ牧師 -